Untitled, 2020, from the series Inaccessible Structures, Acrylic on paper, 9" x 12"
Edges, 2018-20, Acrylic on canvas, 8" x 10"
Four-pointed Star, 2018, Acrylic on canvas, 6" x 6"
Terracotta Town, 2018, Acrylic on paper, 7" x 10"
Untitled, 2018, Acrylic on canvas, 9" x 12"
Personification, 2019, Acrylic on paper, 6" x 6"
Passage, 2020, Acrylic on paper, 7" x 10", (diptych)
Passage, 2019, Acrylic on paper, 7" x 10", (diptych)
Untitled, 2020, Fluid acrylic on paper, 6" x 6"
To Find Yourself, 2019, Fluid acrylic on paper, 6" x 8"
Door to the Sahara, 2020, Acrylic on paper, 5" x 7"
From Thread to Rug, 2020, Acrylic on paper, 6" x 6"
Light Beam on Fountain, Acrylic on paper, 6" x 8"
Untitled, 2018, Acrylic on paper, 6" x 8"
Untitled, 2014, Acrylic on paper, 9" x 12"
Untitled, 2018, from the series Snails, Acrylic on paper, 6" x 8"
Untitled, 2019, from the series Snails, Acrylic on paper, 6" x 8"
Untitled, 2020, from the series Snails, Acrylic on paper, 6" x 8"
Fountain I, 2017, from the series Fountains, Acrylic on paper, 6" x 8"
Fountain II, 2018, from the series Fountains, Acrylic on paper, 6" x 8"
Fountain III, 2018, from the series Fountains, Acrylic on paper, 6" x 8"
Fountain IV, 2018, from the series Fountains, Acrylic on paper, 6" x 8"
Fountain V, 2018, from the series Fountains, Acrylic on paper, 6" x 8"
Fountain VI, 2018, from the series Fountains, Acrylic on paper, 6" x 8"
Fountain VII, 2019, from the series Fountains, Acrylic on paper, 6" x 8"
Fountain VIII, 2019, from the series Fountains, Acrylic on paper, 6" x 8"
Fountain IX, 2020, from the series Fountains, Acrylic on paper, 6" x 8"
Light on Fabrics, 2018, Acrylic on canvas, 10" x 10"
Courtyard, 2019-21, Acrylic on canvas, 14" x 18"
Finite Blue, 2019-20, Fluid acrylic on canvas and modeling paste, 8" x 10"
Untitled, 2015, Acrylic on paper, 9" x 12"
Untitled, 2018, from the series Tile, Acrylic on paper, 6" x 8"